Friday, December 9, 2011

Weapons in the Hunger Games.

Bows and Arrows
A bow is a flexible arc that shoots aerodynamic projectiles
(arrows,quarrels, and sometimes stones).
Tied to the bow is a string or cord, the bow stores energy and
sends it to the string when you pull it. On the string you attach
the arrow and the energy in the string and bow shoots it to very far
distances. Today bows and arrows are used for mainly hunting and
sports. The bow and arrow was not the first weapon ever evented.

a spear is a pole weapon consisting a shaft usually wood with a
pointed head. spears were the most common weapons used to fight
before the creation of fire arms. The head is sharpened it can either
be made out of wood,iron,and metal.

Friday, November 4, 2011

hunger games

It must suck to be Katniss right now, she has no one close to her now except Peeta, but Peeta might die before she can find him she needs to hurry.

Friday, October 14, 2011

the Hunger Games

I see all these documenterys about our country (United States) will go into debt and everything will go crazy. I never believed it but now everything they say will happen, is happening. They said that there will be a bail out in 2008 i never believed it but, it happened. Now they say there is goin to be another one that is worse. They say gas prices will go up to 8$ a gallon and alot of people will lose their jobs, and they say it will strart in 2012. They have been write about everything so far... This realates to the Hunger Games becaues what happens in the book could happen in real life.

Friday, September 30, 2011

what does the world say about beauty

I think that there are many people in the world that care whats on the outside of a person. That's not true, you cant judge a book by its cover. When i see a pretty girl i look on the inside, there is no point of dating a girl who has no personality and doesn't use their brain! Theres no point of dating a girl you has looks but you don't like hanging out with them.