Thursday, May 17, 2012

You know, its crazy how someone that has a good education, a good future ahead of him/her...and they throw it away by joining our armed forces...Fighting for nothing. Just some lame excuse by our president which 90% of  the time it is'nt even true! For example, 9/11. Many people believe that Osama was behind it and we went to war for that but, tha'ts not what happened at all. We just made that excuse to go to war, and steel oil!...Never knew on that day it inspired millions of people to join our armed forces and fight for nothing except for oil.
You see all these advertisments say "Protect your nation, wear this uniform"..looks fun doesnt it. Thats becaues they make it look so awesome and fun and makes you feel like your doing something good...But not when you actully go there and see what really happens.They interviewed soldiers that made it out of combat and pretty much all of them said "i wish i never went" or "i thought i was doing something good but next thing you know i'm killing innocent people" most of all soldiers said they highly recomend that going to war is not what you think it is on those "Army Strong" commercials. This video of a song pretty much explains everything I'm talking about.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Congrats! Newly mited musician! Now you can create your own music and let prople hear it. But be ready for a long and rough road soon while touring because its not easy at all. Your gonna be huge i can already tell. We just have to sighn the contract to our record deal and then youll be offically a musician! Just to warn you, its gonna be exausting getting through fans and cameras. But it will still be a great ride and a awesome jorney.

I already have you up for a show on MTV its gonna be sweet. Just dont freak out becaues theres gonna be over 2 million people tunning in, just go out there and play your heart out. You can choose ONE song that you think is the best, the reason why you want the best is becaues you want people to like you (obviosly) but thats why you pick the best sing you got. The beginning of touring is never gonna be easy...your not gonna be like The Beatles or Metallica or AC/DC right off the needa work your way up into big time. But i can see it. You guys really do have what it takes to become the next Beatles...So go do it.

Tips to get you started:

1. Dont just go up on stage and just stand there and play. Move around go crazy, thats what the fans like. If your up there going crazy and giving it all you got then the fans will do the same.

2. DONT SHOWER ON TOUR BUS!!! unless you have $200,000 to buy a V.I.P. tour bus dont shower on it!! The new bands dont have huge tour busses becaues they dont have the money and their no as big yet. But when you do become pretty big (probly on your 3rd tour) then you can buy a huge V.I.P. tour bus. But for now...just stick to baby whipes...

3. Dont waste all your money. An new musican makes about 1 or 2 million dollars a year, but a huge musican such as Ozzy Osborn makes and 50 million to a BILLION dollars a year. Paul Macartney get paid and hes not even really doing anything...hes like being paid to be alive.

4. The most important rule of all...Make your musice GOOD!! A lot of bands have gone from really huge to not as popular becaues their music isnt as good as before.

These tips are very helpful, if you need any help or info? Come talk to me ill help you.