Friday, October 14, 2011

the Hunger Games

I see all these documenterys about our country (United States) will go into debt and everything will go crazy. I never believed it but now everything they say will happen, is happening. They said that there will be a bail out in 2008 i never believed it but, it happened. Now they say there is goin to be another one that is worse. They say gas prices will go up to 8$ a gallon and alot of people will lose their jobs, and they say it will strart in 2012. They have been write about everything so far... This realates to the Hunger Games becaues what happens in the book could happen in real life.


  1. I love how you started out by focusing on the state of our nation.....writing from the ideas of our class discussion, and the Hunger Games connection is interesting. I want to know more, though....I'm wondering about what exactly happened in the Hunger Games that made their society similar to ours. Do you feel like our country is heading in a similar direction as Panem?

  2. Yeah I know right and I hope it doesn't because there is some bad things in there.....

  3. That is true, the fact that all of these things happened is so crazy. I love how u started it off and ended it with a relation that was cool, keep up the great bloging.

  4. That is so true , the fact that everything changing is crazy. Its real cool how you started with how our world is and ending it with the relations of us and THE HUNGER GAMES.
